Written on Sunday, March 22, 2020.
After watching the fantastic webinar hosted by Whole Health Now featuring Sunil Anand & Kim Elia, I was really pleased to see all aspects of the pandemic covered. Very informative.
I would like to present my thoughts about Lycopodium as the GE. (It was a nice theory but I’m wrong though – it’s not. See my next post as to why.)

The sensation of Lycopodium stems from the feeling he has no power. It is necessary when one is stuck in the phase of relying on what is familiar and stable. There is fear of undertaking new challenges of facing difficult situations. He feels incapable, insecure. There is an anticipatory anxiety. One will criticize others (although subtly) to show his own feeling of superiority.

The entirety is there in everything playing out: in exchanges on Facebook, in the main stream media, in world governments, and in a global perspective – Love of Power.

The inclusion of “conspiracy theory” ideas must be considered when looking for the GE as it is such a strong energy during this crisis. Some believe we are looking at a revolutionary change of global proportions. To ignore this, would mean we miss a strong energy of the sensation of this pandemic. We must also consider the unprecedented quarantining and sheltering taking place.

Lycopodium – Averse or anxious to being in a crowd but does not want to be alone at home.

Lycopodium has a strong affinity for the lungs and specifically for when the lungs have begun hepatization. Hepatization is described as a state of the lungs when engorged with effuse matter so that they are no longer pervious to air. A change in the lungs in the consolidation of pneumonia. Classically described as acquired firmness of lungs, commonly seen in lobar pneumonia. The hepatization of the lungs is absent in China, Camphor, Eupatorium, and Phosphorous. It is strongest in Lycopodium.


  • Great shortness of breath in lung affections. Violent oppression of the chest. Neglected pneumonia; especially with continuing hepatization. Paralysis of the lungs. (Hering, Constantine)
  • When breathing, twitching and shooting in the chest and sides of chest. Pain as if from a bruise in the chest. Constant pressure in the chest. Weight in the chest. Lancinations in the chest. Stitches in the chest, also during inspiration. (John Henry Clarke)
  • Pneumonia with night sweats; extensive hepatization; great dyspnea (Lilienthal, S.)
  • Useful in pneumonia when the hepatization is so extensive that the patient has great difficulty in breathing. (Farrington, Ernest)
  • In the exudative stage of pneumonia, the stage of hepatization, Lyco may save the life of that patient. (Kent, James Tyler)

Hahnemann: Cough dry, difficult in coughing up anything, with concussion of chest; with shortness of breath, stitches in the left side of the chest, burning rising upward in the chest, like heartburn, pain in the bones, feverish perspiration by day; first chill, then night sweat

Chill and fever severe; fever, first with chill, then night-sweat; all her limbs felt heavy. It is psoric but also syphilitic.

Looks like Bryonia (worse for movement) or Kali Bich (stringy mucus).

The cases of “flu” or what-have-you I have seen in the past few weeks did not respond to Bryonia, Phosphorous, Kali Bich, or Arsenicum – even though symptoms of each could be discerned. However, they cleared within 24 hours of starting Lycopodium 30c and two were successful in using it as prophylactic despite all other members of the household being very ill. In addition to the chills and perspiration with fever and horrendous non-productive cough, there was copious yellow then green, thick mucus discharge from the nose. While different from the main symptoms of CoVID-19, a Genus Epidemicus will cover all of the circulating illness regardless of the name. I hope it proves useful in the coming days.

Please see my next post to learn why I was wrong. If you would like to read that post, please contact me with a brief note and I will send you the PW.