What is Homeopathy?

For those looking for a succinct overview…Homeopathy, a holistic medical system, was created over 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann, a medical doctor disenchanted with traditional (allopathic) medicine and its inability to actually cure disease. A combination of...

If only they knew…

I was crushed when I heard of Heath Ledger’s death. And then I was even more so when I learned how he died. . . from insomnia. Well, not exactly from insomnia but the drugs he was taking to try to get some sleep. Whenever I learn of someone dying in the news I...

Homeopathy: Miracle, Magic, or Medicine

There have been many times in our family when a homeopathic remedy has brought such rapid healing we have uttered the same words time and again, “It’s a miracle!” My husband informed me I am no longer allowed to say, “that’s...

What is Homeopathy anyway?!

Many of my friends and family had no idea what homeopathy is (or isn’t) when we began treatments for Kaiden in 2003. I didn’t even know what it was at the time! Now they are all using remedies to treat themselves and their children. Homeopathy has quickly...